Attention All Employers!
Federal and State law requires employers to report newly hired and re-hired employees in New Mexico to the New Mexico New Hire Directory. Newly hired and/or rehired employees must be reported within 20 days of their hire date, whether they are considered full-time, part-time, or temporary employees.
Rehired employees are employees who return to work after sixty (60) days, or more, of being laid off, furloughed, separated, or granted a leave without pay or terminated from employment. Recalled employees include anyone who remains on the payroll during a break in service or gap in pay and then returns to work. For example, teachers, substitutes, seasonal workers, etc.
For more information, visit our FAQs and Reporting Fundamentals pages.
We may be reached via email using the links provided below or directly by phone at (888) 878-1607.
Register to report New Hires on the internet or to securely transfer files:
Login and report New Hires online or transfer files if you are already registered:
Enter a scheduled NM New Hire Web Conference.
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Important Updates
Welcome to New Mexico’s redesigned New Hire Reporting Directory website! We're excited to provide you with a refreshed and more convenient user experience.
As an employer, you'll find all the tools and resources you need to navigate New Mexico's New Hire Reporting Directory and comply with state and federal regulations.
Did you know? More than 1,000 employers are using the federal e-IWO Online option on the Child Support Portal to download income withholding orders. Since December 2023, employers downloaded over 25,000 IWOs from 53 states and territories. Learn more about the e-IWO options for employers and how they work on the following e-IWO overview flyer.
If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions on how we can continue to improve our site, we'd love to hear from you. Please reach out to us via email or directly by phone at 888-878-1607.
Reminder Regarding Child Support Payments!
The New Mexico CSSD State Disbursement Unit has changed its payment lockbox.
Effective immediately, please send all support payments to:
NM CSSD State Disbursement Unit
P.O. Box 200796
Dallas, TX 75320-0796
Please consider switching to electronic child support payments, visit this link for more information:
Child Support Electronic Payment FAQ